
This project was born out of the necessity to automate decision-making, optimize results, and add value to our clients, as well as the Financial Industry in general.


The initial model, which has been developed by the company over the last few years, gives buy-and-sell signals. With Prodyall, the model is strengthened by integrating the three aspects of the investment:

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 Analysis of market behaviour

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Type of assets and investment objectives

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Asset allocation or mix of assets to invest


Prodyall has integrated three different algorithms, by using artificial intelligence. These algorithms receive information, analyze it, and with that, make the following decisions:

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Behavior of the market and give buy-and-sell signals

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which assets to invest in

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Determine each asset’s weight


 There is currently no similar technology on the market, making Proaltus a market leader with this technology.

*The project is currently finalized.


Prodyall was developed with the support of:

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