Marsens' objective is to continue advancing in the line of innovation that began with the Prodyall project:

  • Marsens seeks to facilitate professional investment through a complete advisory and market research service based on artificial intelligence. This type of investor wants to have exhaustive knowledge of the circumstances that are influencing the decision-making that affects their portfolio in order to evaluate the risk.

  • Unlike Prodyall, Marsens not only predicts, but also uses artificial intelligence as a tool that, through calculating real data, allows the finance experts' own hypotheses to be studied, quantified and evaluated.

  • The interpretability of the results requires applying concepts of explainable artificial intelligence, a field of study that tries to avoid the “black box” effect that many of the most recently used AI algorithms have.

  • Marsens relates causes and effects, which is why it represents a magnificent tool to interpret and understand reality objectively.

  • Initially, Marsens will be a tool for internal use, in which only the Proaltus Investment Office will have the capacity to propose hypotheses and evaluate different scenarios. However, the relevant results obtained by this tool will be publicized and disseminated through the Internet.

    *Project in development.